Have you ever had to eat humble pie? It’s pretty bitter. I know because I’ve had to do it a lot. Does that mean I’m prideful? Because I really do not know why I have to continually do the stupidest, most embarrassing things on the planet.
I was trying to be prepared for Sunday School and bought stuff for an art project based on a phrase that apparently is not in the Bible. I think I might have confused it with the “Days of Our Lives” tagline. As I’m trying to figure out plan B I knocked a piece of glass my Grandma gave me off the shelf and onto the cement floor where it shattered into a bazillion pieces.
I have broken cameras and lost cell phones. I can never find my keys. I make lists for the grocery store and lose them along the way. I forget to buy eggs when that’s ALL I need. I just had to pay a $26.00 fine at the library. The librarian had to give me one of those looks they give you when your cell phone rings in there. It’s scary.
I just switched to my big girl purse because I’m trying to look less like a bum. I even wore a turquoise (not black!) cable knit sweater the other day. I’m not really used to a purse that isn’t always strapped to me . I had to go to a bunch of different places yesterday and needed my purse. Today as I was driving to the grocery store to get the things I forgot to get yesterday, I realized my wallet was not in my purse. Yes, I realized this while I was driving. But I was not talking on the phone because I forgot my cell phone at home.
I turned around and went home. I looked in the van, on the desk, on the dresser and everywhere else I could think of. I logged on to our bank account because I was sure it had been stolen. Only I can’t remember our password. Mike told me while he was on the phone. Why would he be on the phone at a time like this! My wallet has been stolen with my credit card and *gasp* my library card!
There were no charges at the bank. What could have happened? There was a loud announcement from the other room. The wallet had been found. While I was frantically ripping apart the house, Mike calmly picked up the phone and called WalMart to see if a wallet had been left there. He went on to describe it, “It’s a fake Louis Vitton wallet that probably has two dollars in it and a bunch of McDonald’s receipts.” And it was there. Sadly this has happened before. And sadly it will probably happen again.
As I was driving to pick it up I was thankful it wasn’t stolen but dreading the coming humble pie. I was worried that they might look at it and say this driver’s license says you weigh 125 pounds and not believe it was me. I waited until all the people returning dolls and video games left and quietly said I was here to claim a wallet.
The girl behind the counter picked up her walkie talkie and said, “Customer Service Manager, the idiot is here to pick up her wallet.”
The manager gave me a motherly look and said, “Scary isn’t it?”. I tried to manage a humble little smile.
As I tucked it back in my big girl purse I thought yes it is. It’s scary that I’m such a scatterbrain. It’s scary it took me 24 hours to notice something so important was missing. It’s scary that my husband knew right where it would be. It’s scary that I still have the weight I weighed when I was 16 years old on my driver’s license. Scary and sad.
Tonight I’m going to switch back to my backpack purse and super glue it to my head.