Saturday, November 13, 2010

Top Ten Reasons I Love Indoor Running

I don’t love to run, but I do enjoy being able to button my pants without passing out.  So I am forced to.  But when I do I want to run outside.  I spurn the thought of doing it an other way. But the reality is that I live in Minnesota.  Northern Minnesota.  So  my friend and I, being too cheap and/or poor to buy treadmills, had to move our jogging operation indoors.  

She does not have me convinced to train for big races, but at least I am getting myself out there or in there as the case may be.  DSCF5535


Enter the hockey arena track - It’s free!  I never thought I’d love being inside and running around a track like a mouse, but there are some definite benefits.

10.  No mean dogs, bears, skunks, snakes or horse poop.

9.  No logging trucks blazing by at 90 miles per hour.

8.  Built in practice of basic math facts.


7.  No rain, sleet, or wind.

6.  No creepy men in vans.

5.  No need to carry pepper spray unless the pee wee hockey practice turns into a riot.


4.  Water fountains if you are not responsible enough to remember a water bottle.


3.  Great neighbors.  Just in case you need an after workout Big Mac.


2.  Diet Coke machines.


1.  Bathrooms.  It beats a tree in the woods any day!
