I was going to post my Do December Different picture every day in December. I keep forgetting. Tuesday and Wednesday were about babysitting. I babysat on Tuesday for my three year old’s BFF Hope. And her sister. I had Bible study but it’s pretty low key so I thought they could play while we studied. I forgot how busy a one year old is! But it was fun to play with the girls and Bible study went on famously in my own kitchen without me.
Wednesday after school we had some friends from church over to play so their Mom could work late, Christmas shop or whatever she needed to do after work. We made gingerbread houses. I never thought that 8 year old girls could make a bigger mess than preschoolers.
After the boys got back from a shoveling mission it was the older kids’ turn. They had a strategy.
We had spaghetti from a can for supper, which is going to lead into my next post. But right now I have to go do laundry.