December should be about worship and wonder. I know that. But it’s just so hard to make it happen. There are so many things to do and so many distractions.
The internet is so convenient for shopping and finding deals and yet…
it gets in the way.
It’s hard to find the balance of world and Word, you know? I want to be in the word and worship. However, there are things in the world that need to be taken care of too. My kids are going in a million different directions. I’ve got church responsibilities and home stuff to do. I’m doing a little part time job. I mean really little. Not hard. Not many hours and it seems to be sucking up an awful lot of time.
It doesn’t seem that God has called us to go live life in a commune, which quite frankly I’m pretty bummed about. So I’m praying about balance. How do I live life in the world while keeping the Word first? How do I meet my kids needs without turning their eyes away from Christ? How do I dedicate myself to scripture when I’d rather be reading Pinterest?
At Bible study yesterday, we were challenged to find ways to read the Bible and pray more. I know what I have to do. I’ve known it for 15 years and I continue to fail to do it. It’s getting up early. Blah! I hate even typing that. But if I’m going to put the Word before anything else, then it’s got to be done before the demands of the world are up.
Today, I read 2 Peter 1:12-21. It talks about prophecy and how the prophecy of scripture didn’t come from the prophets interpretation, but directly from God as delivered by the Holy Spirit. It’s a good passage to pair up with Isaiah 9:2-7 during the Christmas season.
It’s amazing to think of how God orchestrated all the prophecy and fulfillment for His glory and our salvation. Once I start, I could just keep reading and worshipping and wondering all day. But, eventually, the world calls.
How about you? How do you balance the Word and the world?