Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Moment of Panic

In the busyness of Thanksgiving  I hadn’t thought ahead or looked at a calendar.  I didn’t know what was coming in the schedule, but one thing is certain: tomorrow is December 1. 

Yesterday as I was starting the clean up from the weekend I had a moment of panic.  I spent some time filling my calendar with the dates of basketball practice, games, piano lessons, chess club, girl scouts and tried to remember when I let our schedule get so out of control.  I guess with five kids in the house even having everyone in one or two things still makes life pretty crazy.

I’m just a little worried because I was going to Do December Different.  We’ve already been planning.  The girls made our own little advent calendar to keep track of our daily acts of giving.



With stickers.  Because I was going to do this thing right!


I have no idea if we will actually be able to pull it off.  I don’t like trying things I don’t know I can do.  And do well.  How pitiful will it be if we end up too busy to do December different. 

Last night, we got a lot of snow.  I didn’t go running or have Bible study or go the vet which gave me a whole night and day at home.  I’ve got some extra time to get prepare. 

I am looking forward to Christmas more than I have in a while.  The adventure of our little advent calendar is going to be fun.  Even joy in the little things like a snow day.  Hopefully, it will add a lot of meaning to our December.

How about you?  Are you making any plans to do December different? 

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