Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Goodbye Summer!


Start off the day with a healthy breakfast.

Get pumped up for a new year to the beat of Axel F (If you're my age, you totally know the song! Don't deny it. And don't ask why it's on my iPod)



Head out to the bus. That's not it in the background - that's MY bus!

heading out

going to bus

Time to go! And maybe shed a tear. Or not.

on the bus

Go home with those left behind.

left behind


Get out the fancy dishes.

fancy dishes

Not because I'm fancy, but because my normal dishes look like this.

old dishes

Make some coffee and enjoy leftover cinnamon rolls, baked french toast and scrambled eggs with my kids' friends moms. None of which are happy that it was the first day of school. But we still managed to laugh and have some fun.

Play some games without following the rules.

play a game

Take a Nap.

take a nap

Make First Day of School Cookies. My kids are going to have food issues for sure.



Wait for the kids to come home, eat cookies and talk about their day.

Off the bus


Finally do homework. I mean me: writing checks, signing papers and so on.


And just like that, summer is gone.


Bonny said...

I l.o.v.e. this.

You are a brilliant mama.

Rock on.

Anonymous said...

I wish we lived closer!! The pictures are cute, cute, cute!
Looks like the rolls turned out great!


Wayne Pederson said...

Your pictures make us feel like we were actually there for the day. Thanks for letting us in on this rite of passage.