Friday, September 14, 2007

The Things They Learn in Kindergarten!

Well, Abby has successfully completed her first few weeks of Kindergarten. She hasn't been too hard to get out the door. But on Wednesday, I was getting ready to have my Bible study group over for lunch and kind of stressing about getting the last few things done. Wouldn't you know it the school nurse called and said Abby was in her office. It seems they were talking about what to do if you get sick at school and all of a sudden she was sick! She was a little pale but no fever! Isn't that a coincidence! So what's a mother to do? I went to pick her up. Maybe she really wasn't feeling good, maybe it was nerves who knows? But after lunch we didn't let her watch any T.V. or go outside. I wanted her to learn that if she is not in school, she is resting in bed or playing quietly. At about 2:15 she had made a miraculous recovery and was ready to go back!

Today, she came home with something really important in her pocket. It was from her friend who goes to our church. It was a deposit slip from her Mom and Dad's checkbook! I thought it was kind of funny but did call and let them know what their little banker was up to just in case she handed a bunch of them out with their account number and all. All I ever brought home from Kindergarten were popsicle stick crafts!

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